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Health Benefits of Jaggery

Jaggery or Gur is a healthier alternative to sugar. Jaggery is made from sugarcane juice and high-quality jaggery contains more than 70% sucrose, less than 10% of glucose and fructose, and about 5% minerals. We are often asked why sugar should be replaced with jaggery? Here are the top four benefits of adding jaggery to your diet.


Nutrient profile:

Although made predominantly of sucrose, jaggery is a storehouse of important nutrients like iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium, zinc, vitamins (A, B, D, E), protein, and fiber. This is because molasses, a by-product of the sugar making process, are retained in jaggery but removed from processed sugar.


Combats anemia:

A tablespoon of jaggery has 2.2 mg of iron, or about 12% of the recommended daily intake of iron. It is important to remember that jaggery is still a type of added sugar so it should be consumed in moderation. Incorporate jaggery into your diet, but make sure to include plenty of other iron rich foods as well.


Healthier source of carbohydrates:

Jaggery is more complex than sugar, allowing it to be digested more slowly. Your blood sugars will rise more gradually, thus providing energy for a longer period of time.


Immuno protective:

Jaggery contains polyphenols and flavonoids. These antioxidants protect your body against damage from free radicals, thus reducing the risk of cancer, cardiovascular disease, and other degenerative disorders associated with aging. Sugarcane molasses also has strong antibacterial properties. 

So, the next time you want to indulge your sweet tooth, reach for the jaggery instead of sugar.

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